what are the problems of policy implementation

What are the problems of policy implementation in the business setting?

What are the Problems of Policy Implementation in Business?

1. Unsystematic Nature

The biggest problem of policy implementation in business is its unsystematic nature. It is not often that the procedures for policy implementation are designed based on a system. 

The policies are simply written without any thought as to how they should be implemented, or who will implement them. This leads to an unsystematic process of policy implementation that is not only ineffective but can also lead to corruption.

2. Lack of Effective Coordination

One problem of policy implementation in business is the lack of effective coordination between the different departments of a firm. Commonly, different departments have different perspectives on how a particular policy should be implemented. This leads to conflict between departments and eventually impacts the policy implementation process negatively.

3. Involving Many Stakeholders

The challenge with implementing policies within large organizations is that there are many stakeholders involved in the decision-making process, and each stakeholder has his agenda and perspective. When it comes to implementing policies, each stakeholder has his interest that dictates how he would like to see the policies implemented. 

For example, if a new law comes into force, it will affect the employees differently from how it would affect the management or investors. These varying interests lead to difficulty in implementing policies effectively within large organizations or companies.

4. Size of the Organization

The problem of large organizations is that they may not have the ability to implement policies effectively because of the size of the organization. Large organizations often have multiple management levels and each management level will have a different perspective on how a certain policy should be implemented. This can lead to conflict and confusion in the implementation process.

5. Time Constraints

Another problem of policy implementation in business is time constraints. In many cases, especially when implementing new policies, it may be important to act quickly. However, this is not always possible due to time constraints within large organizations. 

Large companies have multiple departments that all need to come to a consensus before making any decision on a policy implementation initiative. The process of coming to a consensus can take a long time, especially if different departments have different agendas in mind when it comes to implementing policies. 

6. Policy Implementation Procedures Vary from Country to Country

Different countries may have different policies for the same business activity and these policies may also vary from one country to another. If an international business wants to implement its policies in another country, it should first find out about the policies that are implemented in that country and ensure that its policies do not contradict these existing policies. 


In summary, there are many problems with policy implementation in the business setting. These problems can be minimized by taking the following steps:

1. Using a systematic approach for implementing policies

2. Following a procedure for implementing policies effectively and consistently

3. Coordinating departments to ensure that policies are implemented in an effective way

4. Ensuring that the views of all stakeholders are taken into consideration when implementing policies within an organization

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