Digital Marketing Strategy

As a VP, you will be leading any digital marketing strategy. So how can you ensure that you are creating effective campaigns?

In this post, we will be uncovering the best practices of developing a digital marketing strategy.

How to Develop a Digital Marketing Strategy as a Vice President

1. Create Your Digital Marketing Goals

Before you develop your digital marketing strategy, you need to set your goals. These goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound).

To give you an example, here is a good reasonable goal:

  • Increase total website traffic by at least 10% per month

To reach this goal, you can set some SMART campaign objectives like:

  • Run an A/B test on the homepage with two different calls-to-action
  • Increase email subscriber list by 10% in two months by running an email marketing campaign

To develop your digital marketing strategy, you need to set specific goals like these. 

2. Determine Your Digital Marketing Channels

After you have set your goals, it’s time to determine which channels you will use to reach them. In other words, before you decide how to execute your digital marketing campaigns, figure out where they will take place. 

You should consider several factors when choosing your digital channels: 

  • Audience size– Which channel has the largest audience that would satisfy my target market? 
  • Competitor activity– Where are my competitors active? 
  • Conversion rate– Where do I perform best? 
  • Cost– How much does it cost to advertise on a particular channel? 
  • Reach– How does a particular channel affect a brand’s awareness? 

If your goal includes selling products or services, then this is a consideration as well. Reach is also important if you want people who have never heard of your brand before to know about it or if you want those who know about it but haven’t tried it to take action and buy from you. 

3. Try different digital channels in your strategies and see which works best for your niche.

Here are some common digital channels that should be included in all digital marketing strategies, for example: 

  • Internet Advertising – This channel includes both paid and organic search ads as well as display ads through social media networks and other websites that attract a large number of potential customers. 
  • Email Marketing – This channel allows businesses to communicate directly with their audience. Emails are delivered to the inboxes of users who have signed up for the businesses’ email lists. This channel is often used to deliver offers, announcements, and other important information.
  • Mobile Advertising – This channel allows advertisers to deliver location-based ads to people using mobile devices. These ads can be displayed on mobile apps or websites viewed through mobile browsers.
  • Digital Video Advertising – This channel allows advertisers to deliver pre-recorded video content to viewers online. This may take the form of video clips, interactive videos, or pre-roll ads that play before other videos on sites with video content. 
  • Social Media Advertising – This channel allows businesses to advertise on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It allows brands to target users where they are most active.


There is no definite rule in creating strategies. Well, these are just principles you can apply. Over time, you will learn which works best and which 

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